Tag Archives: salad

Strawberry Spinach Salad



Sometimes you run out of dish soap in your kitchen. Sometimes the dishes pile up in your tiny little kitchen to the point where you don’t have any counter space or clean things to eat on and cook with. Sometimes, although you really want to, you just can’t motivate yourself to leave your house in the rural cell service-less country and drive the thirty minutes to the nearest Target (especially when you were “in town” a few hours earlier…)

Sometimes those dirty dishes are a really inconvenient excuse to not cook…or bake.

Life. It’s crazy. Lunch. It’s delicious.

Trader Joe’s was having this killer deal on strawberries this week- $2.99 for a pound. Let’s just say that someone that I know ate the whole pound in roughly 24 hours and had to go back to Trader Joe’s last night and get some more.

I put them on homemade frozen yogurt (I’m working on perfecting a recipe!) I ate them for breakfast. I put them on a salad. Ah hem, this person did all of those things.

This salad is simple & simply delicious. This salad can bring a little love (and color) to your life when the weather has consisted mostly of rain, freezing rain, sleet, and snow.


It takes 3 minutes & you know you wanna…


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